Friday, June 15, 2007

Campfire ATCS

We went up north last wknd and when we got there, in the gravel by the firepit were these kewl pieces of burnt paper that must've got blown out of the fire pit the wknd before. They're sooo kewl!! Well of coarse being the "always ready to make art" kinda person that I am, I took the ATC backs, glue stick and scissors out of my purse and went to town. They're not done of coarse, but they look fabulous the way they are I think, especially the one w/ the face in it. I may do something minimal to that one in particular so the face is the focal point.


Aileen said...

Wow Lisa I just love the burnt paper and the face what a cool find and great idea!!

lorraina said...

W0W woW W0wers this is spectacular,i love it! It looks great how you've arranged the atc's for picture taking. I think you should use this pic as a 4 x 4 page. i feel inspired to make atc's or several small pieces and place all together like that as a big collage! Good idea and you did a great job.