Wednesday, January 16, 2008


I finally found some time to create, even if is only a few ATC's for swaps that I'm in. I'm not really sure what has happened to all my days lately but seems like I no more than get out of bed and already it's time to get back in. There is NOTHING on my plate for tomorrow so I'm hoping to take full advantage of it and create away! Wish me luck!


Cindy Jones Lantier said...

I hope you have a great, creative Thursday. Thanks so much for Step Outside Your Box Saturdays. I've had a blast with the past two and am looking forward to the next one. Thanks for stopping by Mixed Grill Favorites and looking at my work.

These ATCs are wonderful. I especially like the Mona Lisa explore one.

Sharon said...

Those are sooo cool. We have got to do some swapping later. Leave me note sometime... you have my addy.