Saturday, January 12, 2008

New Necklace

No I didn't make this, but I bet I could

and who knows I might even try to. It's a choker so it sits right at the base of my neck and it's on just a thin chain. My husband just looked at it and said "I don't get it". Whats to get? It makes me happy!!!


Kristy C said...

that is VERY cool! I have some of those beads-makes me wanna get them out!

Sandie R said...

Very nice Lisa. Don't know why but I like the chubby looking moon faces but I do. Most men don't get it Lisa.


Marva Plummer-Bruno said...

Lisa - I love this!!! This gives me all kinds of wonderful ideas! Marva

Beth Norman-Roberts said...

Out of the mouth of ba--err husbands! he ha. I love it to. Your statement is perfect, "it makes me happy."

Heather Robinson said...

I totally get it....if it makes you happy, really that is all that matters. Just seeing this piece brought a smile to my face.