Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Imagine 4x4

I'm in a chunky book swap on my Wisconsin Stampers yahoo group. The theme is Vintage Women. We only have 10 pages to do and since I enjoy doing 4x4's so much I'm making each one different.
Oh and before someone calls me on it, Yes, that is a flourish there in the corner. I do love flourishes, I think they're fabulous! I just don't want them on everything I do is all.


Mel♥ said...

Oh No!! A flourish!! How could you?? 20 whippings with a wet noodle!! LMAO!! I agree I do like the flourish stamps but they are so over-rated and over used!! Great piece the flourish adds that extra to it!!

Gayle Page-Robak said...

I really like this one...very lovely.