Friday, April 18, 2008

Nude in a shampoo bottle

Ok first, sorry I've been MIA, I got sick shortly after getting back from my trip to Ohio and today am just starting to feel human again.

I finished this canvas just before I left for Ohio and to some of you it may look vaguely familiar. It's based on an atc did did sometime ago. That ATC was inspired by a bottle of shampoo. Now, lets address the title of this post. This canvas originally had a nude image of a woman on it, I didn't like it, so I covered it. Since I had so much texture on it I was limited to what I could do with it. I have been revisiting some of my more favorite ATC's to see if there are ways I can incorporate them into my canvas, this one I just simply recreated it in a manner of speaking.

Now obviously I'm not going to name this canvas "Nude in a Shampoo Bottle", that would require explanation LOL


Sherry said...

I love that you took the inspiration for the challenge and your own art from your shampoo bottle...when you think about it, many manufactured items and packaging are works of art. And maybe this is where the idea of circles came to me...from what you had done....maybe. Except as soon as I read "abstract" I knew exactly which paper in my collection I wanted to represent "abstract". There is something about the shape of circles that makes me think of "hope". I'm sure I'll be back to do the challenge every week!

Heather Robinson said...

Now, nude in a shampoo bottle does indeed attract attention and make one's ears perk up, doesn't it?! It is fascinating where we gain inspiration. I love the depth of this piece and the fact that it doesn't have an image in it.

SC-The Artful Mama said...

Oh, Lisa!! I think you SHOULD name it that!! Just think of the furrowed brows and crinkled eyebrows as they look desperately for the nude! hee hee hee....!! I love it!!!!!!!
Beautiful piece and I love the color!
Susan Chong