Tuesday, September 16, 2008


I just started this canvas this morning, but I wanted to share it with you all cause it's just turning out so neat I think. I'm supposed to be doing small pieces for the Art Fair, but they're just not feeding my soul today. My soul's been kinda achy lately so I figured it was best to feed it the way it wants to be fed. This is an 18x18 canvas and the photo I'm using is one I took this past spring. I'll letcha know what the end product looks like when I'm done with it.


Name: Roberta said...

Ohhh, I'm liking how this one is starting out too! *S* Can't wait to see more as you progress!

Rustic Path Gardens said...

That's a great start! In fact....it's beautiful just the way it is. Nice job.

Sandie R said...

I love this one as it is now. In my minds eye I see a black matt and a deep burgundy frame , but that's just my mind. I love looking at your work Lisa I spend a lot of time thinking outside the box but thinking is as far as I've taken it. Love your blog and if you stop over at my blog http://wwwsandiesanctuary.blogspot.com/ I've left something for you.