Monday, September 22, 2008

Honey, I'm Home!

We had a fabulous weekend at the Art Fair in Cedarburg! Didn't come home artworkless, but I made more than it cost me to get into the fair which is always my goal. So far I haven't been disappointed! I do it because I love it, not to make a living at it, which is probably a good thing LOL.

HUGE amounts of people, almost too many to people watch, it started to make me dizzy trying to see them all LOL My youngest daughter(14), stayed the wknd with me and was a great help and we had a good time!

I think I'm done for the year, however, if someone called me tomorrow to do one, I'd do it! I've got enough product built up now that I don't feel like I'd have to be in panic mode to get stuff done.

I'm taking a few pieces I have to a store in town that my g/f works at that she requested for her shop. I also think I'm going to finish up the tree piece below, "Beginnings" and take it into the Art Gallery downtown and see if he'd like to try selling that one for me. I may bring in the large Sections one into work and see if we can't sell it here. It'd match the back wall of the furniture store perfectly and people would see it right when they walked in. I'm also considering opening up an Etsy store, what the heck, it can't hurt, thats for sure!

This winter will be all about getting rid of the old and moving on to the new. I'll be purging all kinds of stamps that I no longer use, and don't foresee me using again, as well as lots of other odds and ends that I thought I just couldn't live with out! I'll keep you posted when that stuff happens.


AlwaysJoy said...

Yes yes yes yes - please open an Etsy store - I often see stuff on your blog that I would love to hang in my home!

Rosie said...

Wow! Sounds like you had a great time Lisa. Your canvas art is lovely and I hope you show what you have left here. I went and checked out Mary Beth Shaw's site - very inspiring! TFS!