Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Inka Stamps Samples

I have been on hiatus from Inka Stamps Design Team for a few months while I prepared for the last Art Fair. However, now it's time to jump back in. These are a few things that I did this morning. I'm hoping to have some more time this afternoon to do a few more for Inka.


Carolyn said...

Beautiful art, Lisa. How do you manage three completed cards so quickly? And, they are detailed designs, too.



Anonymous said...

Crow? Raven? Not sure which, but he's gorgeous. Looks like he's getting the measure of something.

Linda Carson said...

Fabulous artwork Lisa! Great job!

Anonymous said...

Wonderful art you have here and thanks so much for the tip on Jonas Gerard...wow, what fun watching him...makes yah wanna start THROWING the paint around doesn´t it!!!!