Sunday, November 9, 2008

More Inka Art

Just a couple more things I'm going to send to Inka. I wish I could take credit for the gorgeous bkgrd on the leaf card, but I can't it was sent to me some time ago as a bkgrd swap and I've no clue who did it or what exactly it even is, I think it's pearl ex though, gorgeous stuff!!!
The other is on a 6x6 canvas that I'm sending I love polka dots!


Inka said...

Both pieces are totally fabulous!

joanne wardle said...

fab stuff!

Carolyn said...

I like them, too, Lisa.

Isn't it terrific that we have some "mature" fairies. Afterall, we all can't be tiny and cute all of the time.

Love what you did on both!


Nicole said...

Love both of these pieces, Lisa! I think the one background is a TJ technique using Pearl Ex & glue.

Roberta said...

Awesome art so, of course, I would love to have.