Thursday, October 21, 2010

The Dip

A few Sunday's ago our Pastor did a 2 part series called "The Dip". I was about all the trials and tribulations that one goes through in life. How there are always going to be "dips" in our life and how we respond to them determines how our "dip" effects our life.
That sermon series inspired this piece of art. It's hard to see but there is a faint cross up at the top of the canvas. The reason it is faint is because usually when we're on the upswings of our lives we tend to forget God is there and we still need to praise Him and be obedient.
At the bottom of the canvas is a large pair of hands, which symbolizes how when we do go into those "dips" in life God is there and He's holding us. The "dips" are the times we usually cry out to God the most.
If only we'd be consistent and praise Him fully in the highs and in the lows of our lives.

1 comment:

Kelsbels said...

Wow! I love it Lisa!!