Saturday, July 14, 2007

Cicada Wings

Those of you who don't hail from the parts of the country that was inundated this summer w/ a visit from the 17 year cicada's might not fully understand the extend of the infestation. It was awful, you couldn't walk w/o having to step, over, on or around a cicada, the sound they made was deafening and lets not even talking about the hoards of them flying in the air when they weren't trying to land on you. We endured weeks of this before they all finally did their thing and retreated back down into the underground to wait another 17 years to return. Alas, as all artists do, we find things we can use EVERYWHERE in our art!! One good thing the cicada's did was drop thousands of wings as they made their transformations, I of coarse wandered aimlessly through town w/ my envelope and tweezers eager to collect these fabulous treasures of nature!!! This is my first piece of art using some of them. Just a simple ATC, but given that little extra something by adding those wings. I adhered them w/ a glue stick, it was the gentlest form of adhesive I could think of.


Name: Roberta said...

Lisa....I LOVE what you did with the cicada wings!! How are you going to make them so they don't fall apart after awhile? Did you coat them or spray them with some polycrylic stuff or what? BTW, thanks for the comments on my blog about Adam2... He is sitting at home with the original Adam and Eve I made before that. I hope to maybe get over to Verve in LG and see if they'll carry them on consignment maybe??...when we are back from upnorth....also...we all laughed at your comments about CHELLIE and the Lake Superior photo...heh, heh. Wish you guys could have made it here too... we just got back from COOP's and there is a dance at the campground tonite.... we are all gonna go to should be FUN...*L* (and it's pretty cool that KOA has free wireless ain't it??)...

Love ya!!

K said...

awesome ATC!

kearymary said...

Hi. I was looking in your photobucket thru a link from Art chix - I love your atcs in your to trade folder and hope you'd like to take a look at mine. I am at Pls have a look if you have a minute!

Beth Norman-Roberts said...

How awful to put up with those cicadas. Ugh! Your ATC is gorgeous! Found your blog from your sigi line on T.J. Love your site and bookmarked it.

Anne said...

The ATC is simply stunning. The wings really make the difference. I had just recently seen a photo of a cicada and fell in love with the wings. I copied the photo so I could copy the wings. Is there a chance you'd be willing to share some of those wings with me? For sale or a trade?


Heather Robinson said...

You have found a way to create art out of annoyance. Wonderful piece...really like the wings. I must admit that they are quite beautiful. Glad you endured the cicada invasion.

babs said...

O MY GOD LISA, I am in love with what you did to those darn cicada wings. It's so sexy!!!!! GO LISA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

i have 160 pairs of cicada wings for sale. my price is $9 for each pair. if interested, contact my email adress: