Monday, July 28, 2008

Remember this one?

This is a canvas I did last year some time and I had it up town at the art gallery for sale. The guy that owns the gallery totally didn't like this one, he was looking for me to do more like the aspen leaf canvas. He must've asked me 10 times if I was going to do something like that again. Well how do I know, if I find another leaf that speaks to me like that maybe I will. I'm not a factory, I don't do piece work like that. He had told me when I had some more things to bring them in. So when i did he hemmed and hawed about them and just gave me the general feeling he didn't want them there. He said they were going to rearrange things and if I could bring them back in a few weeks. grrr. Now granted, my pieces don't really "fit" in his shop, he's got a lot of photograph and giclee prints of water colors, mine are a bit out of his realm of art. However, when I first brought stuff in he was okay with it. I told him right up front though if he didn't want my stuff, or didn't think it worked in his shop by all means tell me. So needless to say I was a tad frustrated with him.
So anyways, where I was going with this was, I went in there yesterday w/ my g/f to show it to her and we couldn't find it. He wasn't working and the gal that was there didn't know where it went. So I called this morning and he sold it a few weeks ago and has a check sitting there for me. Wooo Hoooo!!!


Francine said...

Lisa it's too bad the shop owner goes by what he seems to like... I find this canvas incredibly beautiful I love the colors and the fish net impression.... Beautiful art work!


Name: Roberta said...

Congrats on the sale!! That's great, hope Mark expands his horizons more too. *S*

Rosie said...

Happy Birthday for later this month - you look like you had a blast!! What a fantastic surprise!!
I had a similar experience when I took my pendants, etc. into the gift shop where they have my arty-farty bags on sale... they said it wasn't really their thing, but a couple of days later, they told me a Rep had been in and the only things she liked were my altered dominoes and the AF Bags!!
Congrats on your sale! I have yet to approach a gallery... *shudders*