Tuesday, September 9, 2008

It's DONE!!!

No matter how hard I try to get a good photo of this canvas it just isn't happening! If I take it without the flash the colors are all wrong and with the flash, well, this is what you get. I have been putzing with this piece since about June but it's finally exactly where it should be!!! It's called The Light Within cause of the way the red/orange in the center just looks like it's burning through the middle of it all. It has some nice texture to it as well because I used some extra heavy gloss gel medium mixed w/ some of the paints. You can't see them all in this picture but there are about 10 different colors on this canvas. This is done on a 16x20 canvas.

1 comment:

Connie Fossenier said...

Horray, I bet it feels great to have this finished..
Love it and what a color splash of energy.