Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Texture Texture Texture

The texture on this one just makes me happy!!! I'm not sure it's done, Jerry says the white is too stark and I'm not sure what I think of the white. So either I'll leave it or I'll go back over it w/ the red. This is a big canvas, something like 24x30 or something. Oh and this is about the 3rd time I've painted on this canvas, it was 2 other flops before LOL
If you click on this you can see it much bigger and really see all the fun texture.


Michi Michaelson, Orange County, CA said...

Hi Lisa!
Your blog is really looking AWESOME . . . boy, you have been a busy artist!!!! I'm LOVING the texture on this one, too!!!! Hmmmmmm . . . about the starkness of the white . . . what would happen if you made those images gold?

Name: Roberta said...

This one is interesting... do the letters JK have any significance? (just kidding? or maybe a secret code for some of the many relatives you have who have JK as their initials?? *L*) You've sure been busy lately... so when is the next show you are doing?