Sunday, October 12, 2008

Oxford Impressions Samples

I recently got a new plate of stamps from Oxford Impressions. Stamping, as you can tell by blog posts as of late, hasn't been what I've been doing lately. So it felt nice to ink up a few stamps for a change. It feels so foreign to me though. It's so hard to just use ink, stamps, and paper and not dig into my paints and canvas.


Anonymous said...

Wow! These are fabulous, Lisa.

Debby said...

These are wonderful Lisa. They are absolutely Gorgeous! I can't brayer with a darn either, in fact I was just trying it today with no luck. I will try the dusters. Btw I believer you are referring to Michelle Zindorf I call her the brayer queen. In a nice way. :-)

JavaMel said...

I love these cards. I'm not one to use these colors much (you won't see much in the way of fall projects from me LOL) but you've done an absolutely beautiful job with these.

Sandie R said...

It might seem foreign to you but you've done a lovely job. these are all terrifc cards.

Anonymous said...

These are all gorgeous; I especially like the one with the big yellow moon.