Monday, September 10, 2007

Help I'm stuck in Blog World and I can't get out!!!

If I had known what kind of time this magazine would SUCK from my day, I would STILL have bought it LOL I don't know if many of you take the time to browse through art blogs, or any blogs for that matter. It never fails that you inevitably click on a link on someones blog that looks interesting, which takes you to another blog. Of course it has links to other blogs on it, and oh, that one looks like it might have something really neat on it, so you click it. Yes, off to another blog you go, another blog, with more links to other blogs. It's a never ending world we live in, this world of blogs, but I love every minute of it. Each blog expresses the emotions and thoughts, heart and soul of it's blogger and it's our own little sneak peek into their world. We search in hopes to glean just a little bit from each blog we visit to help inspire us to be better at what we do, to learn something from each blog we visit. So take the time, to click a link and visit a new place, you never know what you might be missing!

1 comment:

Linda B said...

what a wonderful journey...and look here I am ready for you to click on my name and so to share my blog :)